A comprehensive guide for using the Kinesio Taping® Method for alternative horse care. This guide helps horse lovers discover simple Kinesio® applications which will have a positive impact on their horse's health and quality of life. Dr. Kenzo Kase® and his team of equine experts have developed these applications to give practical strategies for dealing with common horse issues.
Taping Applications Included:
- Sacroiliac Joint Taping
- General Soreness in the Back
- Withers Pain
- General Support Taping for the Hock
- Taping for Inflammation in the Hock
- Inflammation of the Hock - Advanced Application
- Stifle
- Stifle - Advanced Application
- Suspensory Ligament
- Inflammation in the Hoof
- Fetlock
- Hip
- Tight Neck
To purchase Kinesio Equine® supplies just follow this link: https://kinesiotape.com/kinesio-tape/kinesio-equine/