Message from Dr. Kase
As we all navigate these times, our hope is for everyone’s health and happiness.
Over the last several weeks, Kinesio® and its affiliates, Kinesio Taping Association® International (KTAI), Kinesio University® and Cre-Med® are committed to coming together as a community to get through this crisis and return to normal life as we know it.
We have been looking for opportunities to help all individuals on the frontlines in the fight against the novel coronavirus.
After seeing numerous heartbreaking photos of overworked doctors, nurses and medical personnel and how their faces and ears were severely bruised and chafed due to working with and without proper equipment and their risking lives was overwhelming. We realized we could help.
Kinesio Tape can be applied to the face to help protect it while it can also be used to combat other discomforts like back and neck aches, fatigue and plantar fasciitis to name a few.
Kinesio has also pushed up the launch of its online learning program to provide the community the opportunity to still learn Kinesio Taping both for themselves and also their patients. Our online courses are created to address various conditions at various skill levels. Each online course is also built so you have it forever, it will never expire, and you can view it as often as you like, whenever you like - it's yours.
Our online learning platform and YouTube channel are going to be used to promote free courses for nurses, doctors and first responders on taping for specific conditions that they may be seeing in the ER right now. As well as instructional videos on how to make masks with Kinesio Tape. These Kinesio masks are not designed to completely block COVID-19 transmission, just to provide an additional barrier to help people respond to the pandemic. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is that caution is rarely excessive.
It has always been my priority and focus on making patients feel better. In addition to the input of thousands of trained practitioners worldwide, I am in continued development of applications, products and adaptations – all designed with the goal of better patient care. With that goal in mind I have created Kinesio Medical Taping.
The traditional Kinesio Taping® Method exhibits its effectiveness by triggering the neurological and circulatory systems. Kinesio Medical Taping (KMT®) is an advanced level of Kinesio Taping applicationsto address more complicated issues and conditions, including pain, trauma and post-surgical recovery.
With the current situation, I have created a series of KMT® applications to address Flu Like Symptoms, which you can find on our website ( under Online Education. While these aren’t a fix all, we want to provide any resources we can and will continue to do so as long as we are able.
Lastly, please take good care of yourself and your loved ones. Stay safe and healthy. Be patient and kind. There is no better time to stand together to help each other through this and come out starter and stronger.
Dr. Kenzo Kase,
Founder & Inventor of Kinesio Tape & The Kinesio Taping Method
Kinesio Tape Can Help Protect Your Skin from PPE Masks
Kinesio Tape can be applied to the face to help protect it while it can also be used to combat other discomforts like back and neck aches, fatigue and plantar fasciitis to name a few.
- Measure and cut length of tape needed to cover affected area.
- Round the Corners.
- Fold tape strip in half and make 3 evenly spaced cuts. For behind the ears, use 2 slits. Leaving approximately 1/2 inch (1.27 cm) on each end.
The slits help prevent stress on the skin. - Apply to affected area gently with no tension.
CLICK HERE to request Free Kinesio Tape Samples.
Create A Face Mask with Kinesio Tape
Kinesio Medical Taping Applications for Flu Like Symptoms - Boost Your Immune System : FREE ONLINE EDUCATION
These applications were designed to work with the body to improve flu like symptoms and at the same time improve immune function. Help boost your immune system naturally with one of these Kinesio Medical Taping Applications that are designed to help your body recover faster and to help protect you from flu and other viruses using the body’s own natural healing processes.
NEW Kinesio Taping Official App
In times like these, you may not be able to visit the your medical practitioner, whether it's a physical or massage therapist or chiropractor, to treat your chronic and acute pain.
Today’s most common Kinesio Taping Methods are now conveniently one simple touch of your phone screen away!