The Invention Of Kinesio Taping®

Jan 19th 2022

The Invention Of Kinesio Taping®

"I tried to find many good effective therapy, I studied and you know, I tried by myself but the biggest reason how to find out Kinesio tape and I thought how to, what is a good responding tool for pain, is the pain locate, that time, 40 years ago, pain center are locate second layer of skin, dermis, so if I can take care of those area that was…I thought how to make a space in between muscle and skin and that’s what I created the tape to how to make a space in between skin and muscle, it’s called the fascia area, so the muscle can also move better and also respond for the pain. But 15 years after I invented Kinesio tape there more aggressive type of pain. So, I have to change to stimulate more superficial and that’s why I have to invented the EDF® tape."

Learn More About the Kinesio Taping Method: